This year was the most exciting year so far for Toby at Christmas. We made cookies for Santa and he insisted on putting carrots out for the reindeer. We spent Christmas Eve with my family. We enjoyed our pizza tradition and then went back to my mom's house for presents. Toby was excited about everything and kept yelling, "Merry Christmas" to everyone. It also nice to watch him play with his cousins who he insisted were not his cousins they are his friends! When we got in the car Toby said, "I had a lot of fun at Grandma Janie's!" Christmas morning, I was the first one up. I am worse than a kid and could not wait for Toby to wake up. After cleaning and baking cupcakes, he finally woke up! He ran in to see if Santa ate his cookies. He then ate a small breakfast and got to see what Santa put in his stocking. The highlight of the stocking was Moto Moto! He started screaming, "I have Moto Moto now I have all the animals!" (McDonalds recently was giving out Madagascar 2 animals in their Happy Meals. Toby was determined to get them all but was never able to get Moto Moto. My mom even went to various McDonalds locations begging for Moto Moto but was also unable to find one. What a grandma though!!!!! We then had to turn to ebay and actually found one to my surprise! I guess you can buy anything on ebay) Santa left Toby's presents in the basement. He was very excited to see a Thomas The Train Bouncy Bounce. He started yelling, "I got Thomas!!!" After a few minutes of jumping he quickly got out of the bouncy bounce to see if Santa brought him what he asked for everytime he saw him.... A Leapster. Which of course he did! Then in the next room, Santa got him an airport and airplane for his Geotrax. I am not sure which one enjoys it more, Toby or daddy! After playing with everything downstairs we went upstairs to open presents from mommy and daddy, hoiberg, and baby blowfish. Toby was so excited about everything he got! He was also excited about the present he picked out for Daddy, a Tom and Jerry Nutcracker movie. After opening all the presents it was time to go across the street for the Cork Family Christmas. After a great breakfast, it was time to open more presents. Toby could not wait to open his. He had so much fun playing with his cousins and new toys. We then came home and had to play the Candy Land Castle game Aunt Stephanie got him before he would take a nap. Naptime was much tougher than normal. He went to sleep talking about which toy he was going to play with next. He then woke up ready to play another game! His cousins came over to check out his new stuff and then it was off to another party. I must say how truly blessed we are to have such wonderful family and friends and to be together at Christmas time. Even though the month of December has been crazy, it has been a wonderful Christmas! I didn't take very many pictures, but here are a few.